Showing posts with label cari uang tambahan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cari uang tambahan. Show all posts

Market Glory - Play and Earn Euro is the home of MarketGlory, a strategy based online game which claims that players can turn the virtual currency they earn in the game into real money for you.
All the remaining great thinkers of the world have gotten together and created a new global economic system with the codename MarketGlory. This new economy is based on sound principles, trust, and honesty, and the governments have no ability to borrow to avoid economic and political degradation.
The object of the game is for you to rebuild the world. You do this by creating businesses, governments, creating economic strategies, making investments, even waging war and defending your nation.
The website describes the game as very complex, and the more you play the game, the more options you have for what you can do. The more you work to develop your country, the more you can tip the balance toward rapid development.
One of the biggest draws to the MarketGlory game is that they claim you are able to take the currency you earn in the game and transfer it into real currency that you can take and use in the real world. They claim they are one of the only online games where you are rewarded for the time you spend playing.

In the beginning of your life in Market Glory, you should do an hard work to gain money.

join now here
guide here


Cari Uang Tambahan

hemmmm...iseng2 saya bikin tulisan ini..kemaren pas saya lagi nongkrong di wedangan kuda sekitar daerah manahan bareng sama sebut aja nama'nya soleh hehehehe.....nah si soleh ini penjaga warnet alias OP...sambil pegang pisang goreng di tangan :)

gw nanya ni sma si soleh...#"bro rokok lu'kan deres bgt..nah klo lagi jaga warnet bisa abis berapa..??
soleh# ya bisalah sebungkus lebih..
gw# nah loh..dari jg warnet gaji lo abis buat rokok doank dong..? eh doi malah ngakak...
soleh# gak juga bro..gini..(sambil ngisep tu jarum super dalem2)...kan gw jaga warnet ikutan klakklik di internet yg bisa dpt duit....lumayanlah sebulan bisa buat tambah2 beli rokok hahahahahaah
gw# ahhhh..emang bener bro klakklik gituan bisa dpt duit ( berhubung gw gak percaya ama yg begituan)
soleh# coba aja...bwt iseng..toh gak da ruginya..sehari paling cuma klakklik stengah jam gak nyampe...hehehe
shari misal dpt Rp.200 nah coba kali sebulan...
gw# hemmmmm...nah lo ikut berapa klak klik..??
soleh# 6 hahahahahah coba 200 x 6 sehari trus kali sebulan..lumayan kan...buat tambah duit rokok, secara gw tiap hari di depan komputer..buat iseng aja hahahahah
gw# bener jg ya...hemmmmmm
alhasil saya ikutan daftar tuh...baru aja bikin acount...baru dapet 125 pas tulisan ini sy buat..heheheheheh
skalian gw jg ikutan 6 sama kaya si soleh hahahahaha
yang mau ikutan iseng2 dapet rupiah klik di bawah 1 ampe 6 :)
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